Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The New Media Literacies Project

In my efforts to look up information on this topic, I realized that there were countless "projects" that were part of the New Media Literacies title. My finds are that NML is an organization that provides a community network for learning about effective ways of using 21st century media tools. It promotes the use and integration of media into our everyday lives. NML has been a part of hundreds of projects involving higher education and studying such things as texting.

One of the interesting things I found out about NLM is that it produces movies or short clips on a variety of title. This was the most interesting thing about the group. These movies are used to educate the general public and to saturate the public with the skills necessary to become a working part of NML. Overall, I think it is a good source, nevertheless, it will probably never be of use to me.

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