Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Its Not About The Technology

siver laptop computer
Mrs. Hines article on technology was very useful in explaining that our technology is useless without innovative teachers who are motivated to learn. I agree. I think we put so much emphasis on technology that we forget that we need to be responsible for learning. Two things stood out to me in the article. First, teachers need to be motivated to learn and not just simply be a "teacher". Second, we must continually update our knowledge and practices to keep up with the advancements of our age to fully be effective.

If teachers simply stop learning themselves, how would they be able to teach the next generation of aspiring students. I like the fact that Mrs. Hines doesn't ignore the fact that the technology is very useful and productive. But she also states that without proper training, and more importantly, motivation, it is useless to an extent. Teachers must continue to face the challenges of teaching themselves to be learners of the new age.

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